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Cote : 1892.
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de réponses : 434 page précédente 251-434
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Image : Tab. XIII. Those Figure is chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XI. XII. XIII. These Figures are chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XIV. Shews the internal Surface of the Musculus Obliquus Descendens, when dissected and display'd
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Image : Tab. XV. The Musculus Obliquus Ascendens, with the Rectus and part of the Tendon of the Descendens, together with the Testis of the Left Side dissected and display'd...
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Image : Tab. XVI. 4. The internal Surface of the Rectus Abdominis of the Left Side. 5. The internal Surface of the Transversalis Abdominis of the Left Side
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Image : Tab. XVII. [Organes génito-urinaires masculins. Crémaster et muscles du pénis]
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Image : Tab. XVIII. [Organes génito-urinaires féminins]
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Image : Tab. XIX. [Sphincter et muscles du pénis]
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Image : Tab. XX. [Sphincter, muscles de l'anus]
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Image : Tab. XXI. [Muscles de la tête et du thorax, vue de profil]
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Image : Tab. XXII. [Muscles de la tête et du thorax, vue de trois quarts face]
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Image : Tab. XXIII. [Muscles et vaisseaux sanguins de la tête et du cou]
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Image : Tab. XXIV. [Muscles, nerfs, vaisseaux de la tête]
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Image : Tab. XXV. The Muscles of the Eye-lid and Eye, Ala Nasi & Auricula, as big as the Life. Fig. I. The Muscles of the Palpebra, and right Eye in self, dissected and display'd. Fig. II. The back part of the Muscles of the Left Eye dissected and display'd. Fig. III. IV. The Muscles of the Eye dissected, and so dispos'd, as to shew the natural Position ef each Muscle in the Left Eye
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Image : Tab. XXVI. Fig. I. Part of the Right Os Temporale, &c. containingh the Organs of Hearing of the Right Side as big as the Life. Fig. II. The internal Surface of the same Bones, with the Organs of Hearing, represented in the preceding Figure
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Image : Tab. XXVII. Fig. I. The upper Surface of the Os Hyoides, when freed from its Muscles. Fig. II. The internal Surface of the same Os Hyoides. Fig. III. IV. The internal and external Surface of the Os Hyoides from another Body. The two other Figures represent the Os Hyoides taken out with its Muscles
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Image : Tab. XXVIII. Fig. I. The Tongue, with its Muscles cut from their Originations, and left at their Insertions into the Body of the Tongue. Fig. II. The back part of the Muscles of the Uvula, with the upper part of those of the Fauces, when dissected
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Image : Tab. XXIX. Fig. I. II. The fore Parts of the Muscles of the Uvula and Fauces dissected and cleared of their Glandulous Membranes. Fig. III. The Gula distended with Wind, to shew. Fig. IV. The Musculus Vaginalis Gulae, ending on the Left Orifice of the Stomach
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Image : Tab. XXX. Fig. I. The fore part of the Larynx, with the Os Hyoides and part of the Wind pipe annex'd, together all the common Muscles of the Larynx. Fig. II. III. IV. V. Shew different Views of the Larynx, and its proper Muscles
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Image : Tab. XXXI. The Muscles of the lower Jaw, as they appear, when freed from the Cranium
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Image : Tab. XXXII. Serratus minor Anticus / Serrator major Anticus
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Image : Tab. XXXIII. Fig. I. The Inside of the Sternum, with the Cartilaginous Endings of the Ribs, freed from their Bony Parts. Fig. II. A Sketch of the internal Surface of two or three of the lower Ribs, near their Articulations with the Vertebrae of the Back, as big as the Life; where a Disposition of the internal Intercostal Muscles, not commonly taken notice of, is represented
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Image : Tab. XXXIV. Diaphragma
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Image : Tab. XXXV. Diaphragma
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Image : Tab. XXXVI. Divers Views of the external, middle, and internal Compages of the Fibres of the Heart. Fig. I. The fore part of the Heart, next the Sternum. Fig. II. The back part of the Heart, next the Vertebrae
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Image : Tab. XXXVII. Fig. I. The right Auricle and Ventricle of the Heart, open'd from the Vena Cava Fig. II
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Image : Tab. XXXVIII. Fig. I. The same Heart, represented at Fig. I. in the preceding Table, with the right Ventricle open'd from the Arteria Pulmonalis, both being here pinn'd out and display'd, as big as the Life. Fig. II. The Mitral Valve of the left Ventricle, dissected and display'd
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Image : Tab. XXXIX. Fig. I. The Left Ventricle of the Heart open'd, with the Trunk of the Vena Pulmonalis, and the Left Auricle. Fig. II. The external Paries of the Left Ventricle, cut off from the Basis of the Heart, at the Root of the Arteria Magna, to the Cone, according to the length of the Heart
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Image : Tab. XL. Fig. I. The Left Ventricle of the Heart opened, together with the Vena Pulmonalis and Trunk of the Aorta, to shew in one View the Position of the Valves, that hinder the Return of the Blood by the same way it came into the Ventricle, as well as those Valves, that prevent the return of the Blood, after it is expell'd from thence by the Systole of the Heart. Fig. II. Is drawn from the same Heart express'd Fig. I. in the preceding Table, after dividing the Vena Pulmonalis, through the middle, (as 'tis there represented) together with the Arteria Aorta
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Image : Tab. XLI. [Muscles de la partie supérieure du corps humain, vue dorsale : dos, membres supérieurs]
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Image : Tab. XLII. [Muscles du cou : cucullaris, levator, rhomboides, superior posticus]
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Image : Tab. XLIII. [Muscles du cou : splenius, complectus, rectus, mastoides]
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Image : Tab. XLIV. Fig. I. The back Parts of the Vertebrae of the Neck, as they appear'd in a late Subject, with the Muscles and Parts annex'd, as big as the Life
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Image : Tab. XLV. Fig. I. II. The exteriour and interiour Surfaces of the Longissimus Dorsi, Sacrolumbalis, Sacer, Semi-Spinatus, and Transversalis Colli, dissected from an emaciated Body
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Image : Tab. XLVI. [Muscles de la colonne vertébrale]
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Image : Tab. XLVII. [Muscles du dos et des épaules : supraspinatus, deltoïde, pectoral]
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Image : Tab. XLVIII. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras, épaule)]
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Image : Tab. XLIX. [Muscles du membre supérieur (main, bras, épaule)]
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Image : Tab. L. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
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Image : Tab. LI. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras et main)]
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Image : Tab. LII. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
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Image : Tab. LIII. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
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Image : Tab. LIV. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
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Image : Tab. LV. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe)]
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Image : Tab. LVI. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe)]
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Image : Tab. LVII. [Muscle glutéal (fessier)]
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Image : Tab. LVIII. [Parties de muscles du membre inférieur (jambe)]
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Image : Tab. LIX. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : triceps, sartorius, gracilis]
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Image : Tab. LX. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : biceps femoris, semi-nervosus, semi-tendinosus, semimembranosus]
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Image : Tab. LXI. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : crureus, tibialis, rectus femoris]
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Image : Tab. LXII. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : gasterocnemius, peroneus, tibialis]
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Image : Tab. LXIII. The Muscles of the Toes. Digitorum Pedis Musculi
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Image : Tab. LXIV. The Muscles of the Toes, as big as the Life. Digitorum Pedis Musculi
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Image : Tab. LXV. [Les muscles du pied]
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Image : Tab. LXVI. Fig. I. II. [Les muscles du pied]
Nombre de réponses : 434 page précédente 251-434