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11. Trauma care, surgery and remedies in ancient Egypt: a reassessment
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LORD, Conni.
12. One and the same? An investigation into the connection between veterinary and medical practice in ancient Egypt
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QUIRKE, Stephen.
15. Writings for good health in social context: Middle and New Kingdom comparisons
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16. Schistosomiasis: ancient and modern. The application of scientific techniques to diagnose the disease
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TAYLOR, John H..
17. An unusual funerary figurine of the early Eighteenth Dynasty
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20. Proving Herodotus and Diodorus? Head space analysis of 'eau de mummy' using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
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CURRY, Alan.
21. Science in Egyptology: the scientific study of Egyptian mummies - initial phase 1973-79
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DUPRAS, Tosha.
23. Life and death in the desert: a bioarchaeological study of human remains from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
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HARRIS, Mervyn.
24. An investigation into the evidence of age-related osteoporosis in three Egyptian mummies
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COCKITT, Jenefer.
30. Education, innovation and preservation: the lasting legacy of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith
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JANSSEN, Rosalind.
31. Making an ancient Egyptian contraceptive: Learning from experiment and experience
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MARTIN, Susan.
33. A bag-style tunic found on the Manchester Museum mummy '1770'
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STOCKS, Denys A..
35. Scientific evaluation of experiments in Egyptian archaeology
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DODSON, Aidan.
1. Go West: on the ancient means of approach to the Saqqara Necropolis
3-18 |
2. Sacred animal necropolis at North Saqqara: narrative of a ritual landscape
19-31 |
3. The Manchester 'funeral' ostracon: A sketch of a funerary ritual?
32-47 |
48-55 |
THOMAS, Angela P..
5. A review of the monuments of Unnefer, High Priest of Osiris at Abydos in the reign of Ramesses II
56-68 |
69-74 |
WILSON, Penelope.
7. A Psamtek ushabti and a granite block from Sais (Sa el-Hagar)
75-94 |
95-101 |
102-114 |