
Dépouillement de Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios griegos e indeuropeos

vol 10, 2000 - Cote BIU Santé Médecine : 211.730-20

RODRIGUEZ ALFAGEME, Ignacio. Patología de la voz en el Corpus Hippocraticum

Semantic study of terms relatives to voice pathology provides a way to establish the ideas that lie behind the theories about respiration and voice in the Corpus Hippocraticum as well as the basis of problems caused by the polysemy of those terms in the Hippocratic conception of voice

GARZYA, Antonio. El vino en la literatura médica de la Antigüedad tardía y bizantina

The therapeutical use of wine in the Roman empire and late Antiquity (2nd-7th centuries AD) is the subject of this paper. Greek as well Latin medical authors are considered, among them Galenus, Alexander Trallianus, Soranus, Caelius Aurelianus, Paulus Aegineta, Dioscorides, Aetius, Oribasius etc...
