Dépouillement de Medicina nei secoli
vol 11(3), 1999
- Cote BIU Santé Médecine :
Pages |
461-476 |
Griechische Kopisten Medizinischer Handschriften
The study of the manuscript tradition for important Byzantine physicians shows that we have from the twelfth century copies made by the scribe Ioannikios for Aetius Amidenus and Paulus Aegineta. From the fourteenth and fifteenth century we know manuscripts for these authors proving the influence of the authorities on the medical practice. Johannes Staphidakes worked as a scribe and composed medical treatise, Demetrios Pepagomenos is attested as a physician in the reign of the emperor Manuel II Palailogos. The monk Athanasios, working in the fifteenth century at Constantinople, restored a manuscript of Aetius Amidenus.
477-486 |
FORMENTIN, Maria Rosa.
A margine dell'Ippocrate bessarioneo
The author examines again the problem of the composition and of the original structure of Marc. gr. 269 concerning the Corpus Hippocraticum. She proposes to date the manuscript back to the X cent. And to attribute the copy to only one scribe. She acknowledges an old restoration. She attributes the index to the XII cent. And shows that it is not connected with the manuscript, which, in the first place, contained only the works we are able to read at the present time.
487-505 |
Three Xenon texts
The few byzantine medical texts whose titles or contents associate them with the xenon repay close study for what they reveal about that institution as well as about the transmission of medical knowledge in the late Byzantine period. This paper examines common passages in three xenon texts, codd. Vat. gr. 292 and 299 and Laur. 75.19. It argues from the evidence of these and other texts that the xenon and its medical staff contributed not only to the preservation and transmission of the medical corpus, but also to that of the craft medical texts of the late Byzantine period.
507-519 |
TAMANI, Giuliano.
L’opera medica di shabbetay donnolo
Shabbetay ben Abraham, called Donnolo, of Oria in Puglia (913 - post 982), is best known as a doctor. His Sefer ha-mirqahot (the book of mixtures), often called Sefer ha-yakar (the precious book), containing directions for preparing medicinal roots, is based upon Greek medicine and is not only the oldest European Hebrew medical work but also the earliest medical book written in Italy (and probably in any christian land of the West) in any language after the fall of the Roman Empire, and thus has a singular importance. After describing the preparation of the various herbs for medicinal purposes, Donnolo goes on to give prescriptions for relieving constipation, the hardening of the arteries, and rheumatic pains. Some one hundred and twenty names of medicinal plants and mineral occur in the course of this work.
547-558 |
BALIVET, Michel.
Les sciences médicales dans l'aire byzanto-ottomane, de l'émergence des émirats d'Anatolie à la chute de Constantinople (fin XIIIe - milieu XVe).
This article is a short analysis of the first activities of Medicine and Hospitals in the Turcoman and Ottoman Anatolia (end of XIIIth - middle of XVth). We also ask the question of relationships between Turkish and Byzantine Medical Sciences until the Fall of Constantinople.
559-575 |
VARELLA, Evangelia A.
La thérapeutique byzantine dans le monde grec d’époque ottomane
The medical literature of the greek speaking ottoman world was deeply influenced by its byzantine heritage : the major authors were copied and commented, while practical manuals containing recipes and therapies -the iatrosophia- kept being enlarged with useful information. Futhermore, during the first centuries hospitals closey followed the models of their glorious past in what concerns architecture, scientific level, means and targets. In fact, only the years after 1770 rely on occidental academic knowledge and adopt modern conceptions.
577-584 |
The " letter ... to a cypriot physician " attributed to Johannes Argyropoulos (CA. 1448 - 1453)
585-601 |
I vianeo e gaspare Tagliacozzi lo sviluppo della rinoplastica nel XVI secolo
603-610 |