Nouvelles publications à la Faculté de Pharmacie de Paris (décembre 2018)

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Vous trouverez ci-dessous les dernières publications de la faculté, classées par structure de recherche puis par nom de premier auteur. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter en cas d’erreur ou d’omission.

  • UMR 216 MERIT Mère et enfant face aux infections tropicales
  • UMR-S 1007 Homéostasie Cellulaire et Cancer
  • UMR-S 1124 Pharmacologie, Toxicologie et Signalisation cellulaire
  • UMR-S 1140 Innovations thérapeutiques en hémostase
  • UMR-S 1144 Variabilité de réponse aux psychotropes
  • UMR-S 1147 Médecine Personnalisée, Pharmacogénomique, Optimisation Thérapeutique
  • EA 4065 Ecosystème intestinal, probiotiques, antibiotiques
  • EA 4466 Prévention et traitement de la perte protéique musculaire en situation de résistance à l’anabolisme
  • EA 4475 Pharmacologie de la circulation cérébrale
  • EA 7331 Génétique, physiopathologie et approches thérapeutiques des maladies héréditaires du système nerveux
  • UMR 8015 Laboratoire de cristallographie et RMN biologiques
  • UMR 8258 – Inserm U1022 Unité de Technologies Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé (UTCBS)
  • UMR 8601 Laboratoire de Chimie et de Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques
  • UMR 8638 Chimie organique médicinale et extractive et toxicologie expérimentale

UMR 216 MERIT Mère et enfant face aux infections tropicales

  • Agbota, G., Accrombessi, M., Cottrell, G., Martin-Prével, Y., Milet, J., Ouédraogo, S., Courtin, D., Massougbodji, A., Garcia, A., Cot, M., Briand, V., 2018. Increased risk of malaria during the first year of life in small-birth-weight-for-gestational age infants: a longitudinal study in Benin. J. Infect. Dis.

UMR-S 1007 Homéostasie Cellulaire et Cancer

UMR-S 1124 Pharmacologie, Toxicologie et Signalisation cellulaire

  • Barone, R., Alaimo, S., Messina, M., Pulvirenti, A., Bastin, J., MIMIC-Autism Group, Ferro, A., Frye, R.E., Rizzo, R., 2018. A Subset of Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorders Show a Distinctive Metabolic Profile by Dried Blood Spot Analyses. Front Psychiatry 9, 636.
  • Boufroura, F.-Z., Le Bachelier, C., Tomkiewicz-Raulet, C., Schlemmer, D., Benoist, J.-F., Grondin, P., Lamotte, Y., Mirguet, O., Mouillet-Richard, S., Bastin, J., Djouadi, F., 2018. A new AMPK activator, GSK773, corrects fatty acid oxidation and differentiation defect in CPT2-deficient myotubes. Hum. Mol. Genet. 27, 3417–3433.
  • Coumoul, X., Servien, R., Juricek, L., Kaddouch-Amar, Y., Lippi, Y., Berthelot, L., Naylies, C., Morvan, M.-L., Antignac, J.-P., Christèle, D.-L., Jegou, B., Tremblay-Franco, M., Canlet, C., Debrauwer, L., Le Gall, C., Laurent, J., Gouraud, P.-A., Cravedi, J.-P., Jeunesse, E., Savy, N., Dandere-Abdoulkarim, K., Arnich, N., Fourès, F., Cotton, J., Broudin, S., Corman, B., Moing, A., Laporte, B., Richard-Forget, F., Barouki, R., Rogowsky, P., Salles, B., 2018. The GMO90+ project: absence of evidence for biologically meaningful effects of genetically modified maize based-diets on Wistar rats after 6-months feeding comparative trial. Toxicol. Sci.
  • El Asmi, F., Brantis-de-Carvalho, C.E., Blondel, D., Chelbi-Alix, M.K., 2018. Rhabdoviruses, Antiviral Defense, and SUMO Pathway. Viruses 10, 686.
  • Martel-Pelletier, J., Maheu, E., Pelletier, J.-P., Alekseeva, L., Mkinsi, O., Branco, J., Monod, P., Planta, F., Reginster, J.-Y., Rannou, F., 2018. A new decision tree for diagnosis of osteoarthritis in primary care: international consensus of experts. Aging Clin Exp Res.
  • Nguyen, C., Lefèvre-Colau, M.-M., Kennedy, D.J., Schneider, B.J., Rannou, F., 2018. Low back pain. The Lancet 392, 2547.
  • Ruiz, M., Maumus, M., Fonteneau, G., Pers, Y.-M., Ferreira, R., Dagneaux, L., Delfour, C., Houard, X., Berenbaum, F., Rannou, F., Jorgensen, C., Noël, D., 2018. TGFβi is involved in the chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and is dysregulated in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.
  • Zarka, M., Etienne, F., Bourmaud, M., Helary, C., Rannou, F., Hay, E., Cohen-Solal, M., 2018. Mechanical loading regulates Hippo signaling in a three-dimensional osteocyte culture model. J. Bone Miner. Res. 33, 360–360.

UMR-S 1140 Innovations thérapeutiques en hémostase

  • Blandinières, A, Gendron, N., Bacha, N., Bièche, I., Nunes, H., Nevo, N., Rossi, E., Crestani, B., Lecourt, S., Chevret, S., Lokajcyk, A., Kisaoglu, A., Juvin, K., Bertil, S., Valeyre, D., Cras, A., Gaussem, P., Israel-Biet, D., Smadja, D., 2019. La sécrétion d’interkeukine-8 par les progéniteurs endothéliaux circulants isolés de patients atteints de fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique pourrait contribuer à leur pathogénicité. Angiogenesis.
  • Blandinières, A., Gille, T., Sadoine, J., Bièche, I., Slimani, L., Dizier, B., Gaussem, P., Chaussain, C., Planes, C., Dorfmuller, P., Israel-Biet, D., Smadja, D., 2019. Les progéniteurs endothéliaux circulants ne participent pas à la fibrogenèse dans le modèle de fibrose pulmonaire induite par la bléomycine chez la souris Nude. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 23e Congrès de Pneumologie de Langue Française 36, A50–A51.
  • Boisson-Vidal, C., Benslimane-Ahmim, Z., Lokajczyk, A., Heymann, D., Smadja, D.M., 2018. Osteoprotegerin Induces CD34+ Differentiation in Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Front Med (Lausanne) 5, 331.
  • Egido-Turrión, C., Ollauri-Ibáñez, C., Rossi, E., Silva-Sousa, L., Pérez-Barriocanal, F., Bernabeu, C., López-Novoa, J.., Rodríguez-Barbero, A., Pericacho, M., 2018. Haemostasis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia murine models. J Physiol Biochem 74, S95.
  • Godier, A., Garrigue, D., Lasne, D., Fontana, P., Bonhomme, F., Collet, J., de Maistre, E., Ickx, B., Gruel, Y., Mazighi, M., Nguyen, P., Vincentelli, A., Albaladejo, P., Lecompte, T., 2018. Management of antiplatelet therapy for non elective invasive procedures of bleeding complications: proposals from the French working group on perioperative haemostasis (GIHP), in collaboration with the French Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (SFAR). Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine.
  • Goyard, C., Sanchez, O., 2018. Maladies vasculaires pulmonaires. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités, L’année 2017 en pneumologie 10, S9–S14.
  • Martin, A., Siegal, D., Verbrugge, F., Fiarresga, A., Camm, J., Pieper, K., Fox, K.K.A., Bassand, J.P., Haas, S., Goldhaber, S.Z., Kakkar, A.K., 2019a. Why do clinicians withhold anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation and CHA2DS2-VASc score≥2? Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements 11, 83–84.
  • Martin, A., Verbrugge, F., Siegal, D., Fiarresga, A., Pieper, K., Camm, J., Fox, K.K.A., Bassand, J.P., Haas, S., Goldhaber, S.Z., Kakkar, A.K., 2019b. Why do clinicians prescribe oral anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation despite a low CHA2DS2-VASc score? Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements 11, 82–83.
  • Moraes, J.A., Frony, A.C., Barcellos-de-Souza, P., Menezes da Cunha, M., Brasil Barbosa Calcia, T., Benjamim, C.F., Boisson-Vidal, C., Barja-Fidalgo, C., 2018. Downregulation of Microparticle Release and Pro-Inflammatory Properties of Activated Human Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils by LMW Fucoidan. J Innate Immun 1–17.
  • Righini, M., Robert-Ebadi, H., Elias, A., Sanchez, O., Le Moigne, E., Schmidt, J., Le Gall, C., Cornuz, J., Aujesky, D., Roy, P.-M., Chauleur, C., Rutschmann, O.T., Poletti, P.-A., Le Gal, G., 2018. Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism During Pregnancy A Multicenter Prospective Management Outcome Study. Ann. Intern. Med. 169, 766-+.

UMR-S 1144 Variabilité de réponse aux psychotropes

  • Auvity, S., Tournier, N., n.d. Impact of Acute Alcohol Exposure on P-Glycoprotein Function at the Blood-Brain Barrier Assessed Using 11C-Metoclopramide PET Imaging. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 0.
  • Couffignal, C., Bertrand, J., Sportiche, S., Jarroir, M., El Balkhi, S., Djebrani-Oussedik, N., Poupon, J., Declèves, X., Mentré, F., Bellivier, F., 2018. Population pharmacokinetic modeling of sustained release lithium in the serum, erythrocytes and urine of patients with bipolar disorder. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol.
  • Dondé, C., Neufeld, N.H., Geoffroy, P.A., 2018. The Impact of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Bipolar Depression, Mania, and Euthymia: a Systematic Review of Preliminary Data. Psychiatr Q 89, 855–867.
  • Flechel, A., Jolivet, A., Boukhari, R., Misslin-Tritsch, C., Manca, M.F., Wiel, E., Megarbane, B., Pousset, F., 2018. Paraquat poisoning in Western French Guyana: a public health problem persisting ten years after its withdrawal from the French market. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 22, 7034–7038.
  • Lefevre, T., Nuzzo, A., Mégarbane, B., 2018. Poppers-induced Life-Threatening Methemoglobinemia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 198, e137–e138.

UMR-S 1147 Médecine Personnalisée, Pharmacogénomique, Optimisation Thérapeutique

  • Berrandou, T., Mulot, C., Cordina‐Duverger, E., Arveux, P., Laurent‐Puig, P., Truong, T., Guénel, P., n.d. Association of breast cancer risk with polymorphisms in genes involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics and interaction with tobacco smoking: A gene-set analysis. International Journal of Cancer.
  • Boufroura, F.-Z., Le Bachelier, C., Tomkiewicz-Raulet, C., Schlemmer, D., Benoist, J.-F., Grondin, P., Lamotte, Y., Mirguet, O., Mouillet-Richard, S., Bastin, J., Djouadi, F., 2018. A new AMPK activator, GSK773, corrects fatty acid oxidation and differentiation defect in CPT2-deficient myotubes. Hum. Mol. Genet. 27, 3417–3433.

EA 4065 Ecosystème intestinal, probiotiques, antibiotiques

  • Munier, A.-L., Biard, L., Legrand, M., Rousseau, C., Lafaurie, M., Donay, J.-L., Flicoteaux, R., Mebazaa, A., Mimoun, M., Molina, J.-M., 2018. Incidence, risk factors and outcome of multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii nosocomial infections during an outbreak in a burn unit. Int. J. Infect. Dis.

EA 4466 Prévention et traitement de la perte protéique musculaire en situation de résistance à l’anabolisme

  • Cynober, L., 2018. Metabolism of Dietary Glutamate in Adults. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 73 Suppl 5, 5–14.
  • Ginguay, A., Billard, J.-M., Moinard, C., De-Bandt, J.-P., Cynober, L., Guihenneuc, C., Allinquant, B., Dutar, P., 2018. Vieillissement et altération du processus synaptique impliqué dans la mémoire :effet antioxydant protecteur de la citrulline. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme 32, 241–242.


EA 4475 Pharmacologie de la circulation cérébrale

  • Regue-Guyon, M., Lanfumey, L., Mongeau, R., 2018. Neuroepigenetics of Neurotrophin Signaling: Neurobiology of Anxiety and Affective Disorders, in: Rutten, B.P.F. (Ed.), Neuroepigenetics and Mental Illness. Elsevier Academic Press Inc, San Diego, pp. 159–193.

EA 7331 Génétique, physiopathologie et approches thérapeutiques des maladies héréditaires du système nerveux

  • D’Angelo, F., Ceccarelli, M., Tala, null, Garofano, L., Zhang, J., Frattini, V., Caruso, F.P., Lewis, G., Alfaro, K.D., Bauchet, L., Berzero, G., Cachia, D., Cangiano, M., Capelle, L., de Groot, J., DiMeco, F., Ducray, F., Farah, W., Finocchiaro, G., Goutagny, S., Kamiya-Matsuoka, C., Lavarino, C., Loiseau, H., Lorgis, V., Marras, C.E., McCutcheon, I., Nam, D.-H., Ronchi, S., Saletti, V., Seizeur, R., Slopis, J., Suñol, M., Vandenbos, F., Varlet, P., Vidaud, D., Watts, C., Tabar, V., Reuss, D.E., Kim, S.-K., Meyronet, D., Mokhtari, K., Salvador, H., Bhat, K.P., Eoli, M., Sanson, M., Lasorella, A., Iavarone, A., 2019. The molecular landscape of glioma in patients with Neurofibromatosis 1. Nat. Med. 25, 176–187.

UMR 8015 Laboratoire de cristallographie et RMN biologiques

  • Bonnet, A.-L., Chaussain, C., Broutin, I., Rochefort, G.Y., Schrewe, H., Gaucher, C., 2018. From Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells to Folliculogenesis: What About Vasorin? Front Med (Lausanne) 5, 335.

UMR 8258 – Inserm U1022 Unité de Technologies Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé (UTCBS)

  • Ali, A.M., Penny, M.A., Smith, T.A., Workman, L., Sasi, P., Adjei, G.O., Aweeka, F., Kiechel, J.-R., Jullien, V., Rijken, M.J., McGready, R., Mwesigwa, J., Kristensen, K., Stepniewska, K., Tarning, J., Barnes, K.I., Denti, P., WWARN Amodiaquine PK Study Group, 2018. Population Pharmacokinetics of the Antimalarial Amodiaquine: a Pooled Analysis To Optimize Dosing. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 62.
  • Ammari, M., Presumey, J., Ponsolles, C., Roussignol, G., Roubert, C., Escriou, V., Toupet, K., Mausset-Bonnefont, A.-L., Cren, M., Robin, M., Georgel, P., Nehmar, R., Taams, L., Grün, J., Grützkau, A., Häupl, T., Pers, Y.-M., Jorgensen, C., Duroux-Richard, I., Courties, G., Apparailly, F., 2018. Delivery of miR-146a to Ly6Chigh Monocytes Inhibits Pathogenic Bone Erosion in Inflammatory Arthritis. Theranostics 8, 5972–5985.
  • Baldim, V., Bedioui, F., Mignet, N., Margaill, I., Berret, J.-F., 2018. The enzyme-like catalytic activity of cerium oxide nanoparticles and its dependency on Ce 3+ surface area concentration. Nanoscale 10, 6971–6980.
  • Corvis, Y., Espeau, P., 2018. Interpretation of the global heat of melting in eutectic binary systems. Thermochimica Acta 664, 91–99.
  • Di Filippo, M., Varret, M., Boehm, V., Rabès, J.-P., Ferkdadji, L., Abramowitz, L., Dumont, S., Lenaerts, C., Boileau, C., Joly, F., Schmitz, J., Samson-Bouma, M.-E., Bonnefont-Rousselot, D., 2018. Postprandial lipid absorption in seven heterozygous carriers of deleterious variants of MTTP in two abetalipoproteinemic families. Journal of Clinical Lipidology.
  • Gahoual, R., Leize-Wagner, E., Houzé, P., François, Y.-N., 2018. Revealing the potential of capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry: the tipping point. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
  • Johnen, S., Harmening, N., Kropp, M., Castillo, T.B., Ronchetti, M., Marie, C., Scherman, D., Ivics, Z., Izsvak, Z., Walter, P., Thumann, G., 2018. Genetic modification of freshly isolated primary human pigment epithelial cells to treat nvAMD. Hum. Gene Ther. 29, A91–A92.
  • Kropp, M., Harmening, N., Bascuas, T., Sealy, G., Conti, A., Johnen, S., Izsvak, Z., Marie, C., Scherman, D., Ronchetti, M., Aranda, P., van den Berg, J., Thumann, G., 2018. GMP-grade production of tIPE, a cell-based gene therapy product to treat neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nvAMD) developed in the TargetAMD project. Hum. Gene Ther. 29, A69–A70.
  • Lemdani, K., Mignet, N., Boudy, V., Seguin, J., Oujagir, E., Bawa, O., Peschaud, F., Emile, J.-F., Capron, C., Malafosse, R., 2019. Local immunomodulation combined to radiofrequency ablation results in a complete cure of local and distant colorectal carcinoma. OncoImmunology 0, 1–14.
  • Magill, L., Adriani, M., Berthou, V., Chen, K., Gleizes, A., Hacein-Bey-Abina, S., Hincelin-Mery, A., Mariette, X., Pallardy, M., Spindeldreher, S., Szely, N., Isenberg, D.., Manson, J.., Jury, E.., Mauri, C., 2018. Low Percentage of Signal Regulatory Protein α/β+ Memory B Cells in Blood Predicts Development of Anti-drug Antibodies (ADA) in Adalimumab-Treated Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Front Immunol 9, 2865.
  • Pellerin, M., Glais, E., Lecuyer, T., Xu, J., Seguin, J., Tanabe, S., Chanéac, C., Viana, B., Richard, C., 2018. LaAlO3:Cr3+, Sm3+: Nano-perovskite with persistent luminescence for in vivo optical imaging. Journal of Luminescence 202, 83–88.
  • Richard, S., Brun, A., Tedesco, A., Gallois, B., Taghi, N., Dantan, P., Seguin, J., Fleury, V., 2018. Direct imaging of capillaries reveals the mechanism of arteriovenous interlacing in the chick chorioallantoic membrane. Commun Biol 1, 235.
  • Thébault, C.J., Ramniceanu, G., Michel, A., Beauvineau, C., Girard, C., Seguin, J., Mignet, N., Ménager, C., Doan, B.-T., 2018. In Vivo Evaluation of Magnetic Targeting in Mice Colon Tumors with Ultra-Magnetic Liposomes Monitored by MRI. Mol Imaging Biol.
  • Tran, V.-L., Thakare, V., Rossetti, F., Baudouin, A., Ramniceanu, G., Doan, B.-T., Mignet, N., Comby-Zerbino, C., Antoine, R., Dugourd, P., Boschetti, F., Denat, F., Louis, C., Roux, S., Doussineau, T., Tillement, O., Lux, F., 2018. One-pot direct synthesis for multifunctional ultrasmall hybrid silica nanoparticles. J. Mater. Chem. B 6, 4821–4834.

UMR 8601 Laboratoire de Chimie et de Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques

  • Le Poul, N., Colasson, B., Thiabaud, G., Dit Fouque, D.J., Iacobucci, C., Memboeuf, A., Douziech, B., Řezáč, J., Prangé, T., de la Lande, A., Reinaud, O., Le Mest, Y., 2018. Gating the electron transfer at a monocopper centre through the supramolecular coordination of water molecules within a protein chamber mimic. Chem Sci 9, 8282–8290.
  • Piccardi, R., Turcaud, S., Benedetti, E., Micouin, L., 2019. Synthesis and Reactivity of Mixed Dimethylalkynylaluminum Reagents. Synthesis 51, 97–106.

UMR 8638 Chimie organique médicinale et extractive et toxicologie expérimentale

  • Silva, S.B.L., Oberhänsli, F., Tribalat, M.-A., Genta‐Jouve, G., Teyssié, J.-L., Dechraoui‐Bottein, M.-Y., Gallard, J.-F., Evanno, L., Poupon, E., Thomas, O.P., 2019. Insights into the Biosynthesis of Cyclic Guanidine Alkaloids from Crambeidae Marine Sponges. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, 520–525.
  • Tenuta, M.C., Tundis, R., Xiao, J., Loizzo, M.R., Dugay, A., Deguin, B., 2018. Arbutus species (Ericaceae) as source of valuable bioactive products. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 1–18.
  • Vallet, M., Strittmatter, M., Murua, P., Lacoste, S., Dupont, J., Hubas, C., Genta-Jouve, G., Gachon, C.M.M., Kim, G.H., Prado, S., 2018. Chemically-Mediated Interactions Between Macroalgae, Their Fungal Endophytes, and Protistan Pathogens. Front. Microbiol. 9, 3161.

Merci à Quentin Auffret pour la mise en place de cette veille bibliographique.

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